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What Colour Suits My Horse?

Writer's picture: undefined

Updated: Mar 14, 2024

The colours that look better on different coloured horses can vary depending on personal preferences, cultural norms, and the specific shade of the horse's coat. Here are some general guidelines, but keep in mind that beauty is subjective, and ultimately, the choice of colours depends on what you find appealing and what suits your horse's appearance.

Bay Horses: Bay horses have a brown body with black points (mane, tail, and lower legs). Colours like navy blue red, forest green, and darker shades generally complement their coat nicely. Lighter colours can also work well as contrasts, such as pale yellow or light blue.

Chestnut Horses: These horses have a reddish or copper-coloured coat. Earthy tones like brown, beige, olive green, patterns and warm shades of orange can look great on them. Navy blue can provide a nice contrast to their warm coat colour.

Black Horses: Black horses have a solid black coat. Bright and bold colours like royal blue, white, red, and silver can stand out against their dark coat. Soft pastel colours can also create an elegant contrast.

Gray/White Horses: Grey horses can range from light silver to almost white. They are versatile and can look good in a wide range of colours. Jewel tones like emerald green, deep purple, and rich blues can create a striking contrast. Soft pastels, light pinks, and lavenders can also look delicate against their coat.

Palomino Horses: Palominos have a golden coat with a light mane and tail. Earthy tones like tan, brown, and olive can complement their coat colour. Rich jewel tones and warm colours like deep red and burnt orange can also create a pleasing contrast.

Appaloosa/Spotted Horses: These horses have unique coat patterns with spots or speckles. Choosing colours that echo the spots in their coat can be visually appealing. Solid colours that match or contrast with the background coat colour can work well.

Paint/Pinto Horses: Paint and Pinto horses have large patches of white mixed with other colours. Harmonising with or complementing the horse's dominant coat colour is a good approach. For example, if the horse has black and white patches, black or white tack can look nice.

Roan Horses: Roans have a mixture of white hairs and coloured hairs in their coat. Their coat colour can appear to change based on the angle and lighting. Earth tones and natural colours often work well with their unique coat pattern.

Remember, the key is to consider the contrast and harmony between the tack or accessories and the horse's coat colour. You can also consider your personal style, the purpose of the horse's appearance (show, casual riding, etc.), and any specific colour preferences you have. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you feel good about the combination and that it enhances the overall look of the horse.

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